Dear Colony members
The first thing to pass along is that we are making an emailing list of our members for announcements and a future newsletter. It’s very easy for our flyer to get lost in the system of production, mailing and delivery. We will still be sending them out, but they have been lost, and delivered late in the past for a number of reasons. A newsletter cannot be supported by our current budget, but we can email it without expense. Anyone wishing to work on our newsletter, or have stories should contact me.
Our recent meeting at Marie Calendar’s remodeled banquet room was ground breaking. We had custom printed shirts and hoodies for our members, and we went with a buffet which everyone enjoyed. Our speaker Major Mark Hadley told of his experiences as an F16 pilot, and the importance of the United States Space Command to our fighting forces.
Coming up (June 20th) is the California State membership meeting in San Diego where Governor General Judy Swan will be our speaker. This is a meeting for the whole state, and we will be electing new officers at that time. It’s a chance to meet Mayflower members from all over California, many of whom will be your cousins. The details are in your last California Newsletter and there are links in our colony website calendar section.
Our next Colony meeting is planned for Saturday July 25th at the Proud Bird Museum Restaurant next to LAX. The flyer for this event is already posted in our calendar section, but will be updated before mailing out. Our Speaker will be Thomas Jefferson as portrayed by Mr. Peter Small. “He has performed at the Ronald Reagan, Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon, and George Bush Presidential Libraries, Port Huron, Michigan's Thomas Edison Festival, and has appeared on the History Channel and KTTV-TV's Midday Sunday in Los Angeles.”
November 7th has been booked for our Compact Day meeting and we will have a representative from the National Archives for our Speaker. Last year’s attendance filled the room we were using to its capacity so this year we are planning on the bigger room that is twice as large.
There has been numerous additions to our website, and the history page now has links to rare Mayflower books that include both California State and General Society publications nearly a hundred years old. The enhancement of Pilgrim knowledge is also a theme in the Dr Patricia Moseley Stanford Memorial website for kids at With its many stories, coloring book, cut-out doll book, and reference materials for teachers and students of Mayflower history, it has been linked to many other sites across the country. The site contains individual biographies of all the Pilgrims, as well as the world they lived in, and the voyage that took them to a new world. It has a section on what a junior member is and application forms. In the future I intend to build on this site with interactive content and video.
Dr. Pat’s website has largely disappeared off its original website, but many parts of it are still accessible to computer savvy web surfers. In rebuilding Dr Pat’s site on the LA Colony website I am preserving one of her life’s works that could have been lost after she passed away. It is a monument to the Mayflower, and hopefully this site will last for generations to come.
If you would like to have a more active role in the Los Angeles Colony of Mayflower Descendents please contact Governor Franklin Smith at